Sunday, September 21, 2008
Good News!
We are very happy and anxiously await our new family member. Marissa is already picking out names (Miley, Mira, and many other disney characters appear on her list of names).
We will find out what sex the baby is sometime in November.
Thank you God for this wonderful blessing!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tagged -Six Absolutely Unspectacular Things About Me
1) I work in a 500 sq ft office all day with my husband. I have been asked many times the following questions:
1)have you ever wanted to strangle each other? 2)How are you still married? 3)Do you still want to be together when you get home?
Here are the answers: 1)YES!!!! 2)Love?? Insanity??? 3)and of course we still want to be together when we get home. We work great together and wouldn't change a thing. Well, I wouldn't but I would have to ask if he feels the same:)
2) I look at real estate online when I am bored or even when I have things to do (atleast once a day) and secretly dream of being a realtor or investor. this goes along with my obsession with the TV show House Hunters and House Hunters International. I would also love to drive around on Sundays to look at Open Houses but gas prices do not permit me to do this.
3) Between the ages of 11 and 18 I had a strange obsession with Charles Barkley. My room was decorated with 8 posters of him. I had 5 or 6 tshirts of the Phoenix Suns (from before he went to the Rockets), I have over 40 of his cards and I have atleast 3 of his books. I was a big basketball fan and he was my favorite player. I watched almost evey game he played that was on TV. I was very sad when he retired from the game and I haven't watched much basketball since.
4) My husband and I look forward to coming home at night to watch Fox news. Especially Greta Vansusteren and Bill O'Reilly.
5) I live in St. Louis and love to drink beer but have never toured the brewery. WOW! That sounds totally pathetic. I love going to the city too so I'm not sure why I haven't been there. Well I think because I didn't know until recently that you could take kids there so I never wanted to get a babysitter to go. Now I really need to take the time to go because some friends told me the brewery is totally kid friendly. Why would I think YOu couldn't take a kid to a brewery??
6)I absolutely positively can't stand to be at home and be bored. Sometimes this drives my husband nuts but I think it might have rubbed off. I always need to have something going on and I love to get involved with as much as I can. From February to June I work on VBS at home after work. Then from August to November I work on the fall musical. Then I have a little time off for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Next comes the Spring Musical and then time for VBS again. I don't just do these things because I'm bored though. These are all outreach programs through my church. I love my church family and like to help in any way possible with mission outreach programs. For me, I would rather target my energy toward something I hope can make a difference. Other things I do if I am bored: visit family, go to parks, watch movies, bug my kid or husband, shop for things I have no intention of buying, etc.
Meme terms & conditions
1. link the person who tagged you-Gregg
2. mention the rules on your blog
3. list 6 unspectacular things about you
4. tag 6 other bloggers by linking them- I am going to break this rule because Gregg already tagged all the bloggers I know except my sister in law who I am going to tag-
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Goodbye Summertime
1) Our trip to Daytona and Siesta Key in which we got to visit Grandpa and eat at Sharky's twice. and dance in the rain at Sharky's.
2) Our camping trip in July to Bennett Springs with the Anderson's and Eberley's.
3) Four trips to Goose Creek which means relaxing and swimming in the lake with friends
4) VBS
5) my nephew visiting St. Louis for a week. He lives and Chicago and his parents let him stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a week over the summer.
6) our final trips to great Grandma's on Fridays. This was a tradition my cousin Stacey started about 3 years ago. Whenever she was in town from Chicago she would call me to meet her at Grandma's Friday. I started going there every Friday even when she wasn't in town. We met for lunch for 3 years and it finally ended when Marissa started Kindergarten.
7) many BBQ's
8) Marissa's first sleepover
I will miss all of the fun things you can do when the weather is hot but now I can look forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas and the fall Musical.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Reliant Community BBQ

Check out their website for more info:
Marissa had a great time too. My aunt came with her grandson and her great nephew. One of Marissa's friends from church came too. They did face painting, games, ate BBQ, and played on the playground. There were quite a few members from Christ Memorial there to help so we had good adult company too.
Here is a pic of Marissa with her face painted:
It turned out to be a great time and a success for the community out reach. Some people from the neighborhood came and said they were going to check out the Sunday morning service.
Monday, September 1, 2008
McCain Rally
Sunday our family headed to O'Fallon to join the John McCain rally. We left around 2:15 pm. Our friend Jeremy and his daughter followed us out there. Once we arrived we met our friends Jen and Shawn and their two kids. Here is a pic of my family at my mom's house before we left for the rally:

The rally was at TR Hughes ballpark in O'fallon, MO. We could have gone at 2:00pm to try for good seating but since we had 4 kids in our crew we figured it would be best not to go too early. We were stuck sitting in the field but it worked out great because the kids sat and colored while we waited for McCain and Palin.
After the political speeches (Mitt Romney, Matt Blunt, Kit Bond, Mike Huckabee, John McCain and Sarah Palin) we made our way toward the front to see if we could get better pics. We saw some of our friends from church. My friend Larry emailed me his pics this morning, which I decided to use since they turned out better than mine.
John McCain at the O'Fallon rally. Picture by Larry Jost.
another John McCain pic by Larry Jost.
It turned out to be a great day even though it was incredibly hot. Th kids kept entertained and we got to show our support.