Tuesday, October 7, 2008

12 week appointment

I am 12 weeks along in my pregnancy and I had my 2nd appointment today. Timmy is able to go with me now that he can take a break from work. When I was pregnant with Marissa he could not take off at all so he didn't get to go to any appointments. He will probably not go to all of them but I wanted him to come today because they check the baby's heart beat. Well the nurse located the heart beat quickly and everything sounded great. It was exciting because it helps give you a little peace of mind knowing the baby's heart is beating fast and steady.

The first month of this pregnancy I was VERY tired. I felt like sleeping all the time. The 2nd month I was VERY nauseated. This is something I didn't experience with Marissa. I have been feeling sick everyday for a month straight. The last week has been a lot better. Now I am starting to gain more energy and not feel nauseous any more. I am very happy about feeling better because I have a lot going on (The Music Man, work, Marissa, etc) and I don't plan on cutting back with any of it.

After I picked Marissa up from school I told her about my doctor's appointment and about hearing the heart beat. She wanted to know if that meant that I knew if it was a boy or girl. She is just like her mommy and daddy and can't wait to find out the sex. I told her we still had to wait about 2 more months. The week that I could find out is over Thanksgiving so I guess I will have to wait till the 1st week of December.
I am so happy that my family will have another blessing in April. We can't wait to meet baby Kempf.

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