Anyone who reads my blogs knows that my husband and I are Saint Louis Blues fans. I also wrote a blog about our son's Blues themed nursery. Well my friend, Alexis, wanted to throw me a baby shower and called to ask me what our nursery "theme" was so she could plan the shower to match the nursery. I told her we tried to use a Blues theme but to do whatever she wanted because I didn't want her to have to go through too much trouble. She decided to stick to the Blues theme anyway even though after she starting the planning she realized it would have been much easier if we had been Cardinals or Rams fans (they don't sell alot of Blues items in the stores). I told Tim he had to come and atleast see everything after she had it decorated. Of course he couldn't stay long because he was going to a Blues game that evening!

Marissa with her "big sister" shirt on.

My favorite, the Blues piggy bank. There is also a really cool picture frame that says "future Blues fan" but I need to get a better pic of it.
Awesom cake!
Special thanks to Alexis for the shower and thank you to everyone that came! Hopefully we will get to meet the little guy soon. My due date is next Friday! Also, special thanks to my ever patient husband for being so loving and understanding the last 8 months:)
Nice stuff Sarah! Maybe the Blues can help out with a playoff win!
Sorry the blues thing didn't work out, but I'd just like to say that I credit Mario Kart for Tim's pleasant demeanor. He is taking any frustration he may have out on me, I think. Ouch.
Oh, and Scott, I'm not sure if you noticed, but you're kind of out of frame in your photo. See how helpful I am?
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