Saturday, October 18, 2008

Go Blues!

It's the beginning of my favorite Saint Louis Sport Season: Hockey! Basketball would be my fav but STL doesn't have a basketball team so I kind of lost touch. Anyway, for my birthday my dad bought tickets for me, Marissa, my mom, Tim and himself to go to the game. The home opener usually falls on my birthday as it did this year so I get to celebrate my birthday watching the Blues Game. My husband is a huge Blues fan. If we are having a boy he has already decided that the nursery will be a Blues theme in which my sister in law (a talented decorator and artist) will paint a Blues sign on the wall (she has not agreed to this yet but we still have time to convince her:). Tim went to over 20 Blues games last year. So far he has been to all of the home games. Tonight he is at the 3rd home game of the season. He always says he will stay home and watch the game with me but then one of his friends calls and he looks at me and says the same thing every time "you don't mind if I go, right honey?" Of course I don't but I am jealous because now I am stuck at home watching it by myself. Oh well, he is always in a super good mood those days and helps more with housework. So far the Blues are 4 and 1. Legace is undefeated. Hopefully they will make the playoffs this year.

Go Blues!

My family before a Blues game last year.

Marissa has been to 3 games in her lifetime. 2 last year and one this year. She loves to go and cheer on the Blues with mommy and daddy. She has never made it to the end of the game without falling asleep (they usually last till atleast 10pm). This year she made it the longest and fell asleep with only a few minutes left.


Michelle Haner Fitness said...

dream on that is way above my artistic abilities. you should check out, way easier to buy this than paint it. Go Blues!

Gregg said...

I have a very similar picture of our family, but we are all wearing "Rush" shirts.

See, our thing is music...

badhonestdame said...

I remember being at a Blue's game last year, and you and Tim were on the kiss cam! It was soooooooo cute! :)

Sarah Kempf said...

no, it wasn't the kiss cam. It was where they put a thought bubble over your head and show what you might be thinking. They had a bubble over Tim's head with a picture of Jessica Simpson in the bubble!