Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Can't Believe I Said That!!!

Last Friday night my family was getting ready to go camping (that will come in a later blog). I have a very small family (for now). There are just 3 of us. My husband packed the cooler and loaded the car. After I got in I turned around and realized that the seat next to my daughter was full of blankets and bags. The trunk was full with the cooler, more blankets and more bags. I realized with the new baby on the why the little one would have no where to sit! Knowing I would totally regret it I turned to my husband and said those horrifying words, "Honey, I think we really do need a mini van." I CAN"T BELIEVE I SAID THAT! I think I aged 10 years instantly in that very moment.
Seriously the whole mini van thing is really a joke BUT I am already regretting the words. I prefer to just rent a mini van when we take long family trips. My husband is an Insurance Agent and gets a 50% discount. I started looking at mini vans and the gas mileage stinks. We both drive cars that get over 30 mpg. I don't like wasting money on gas when I could drive the same distance for less money. 2nd, I have a hard enough time driving my little car. I have never had an accident with a moving vehicle but I have bad judgement on the amount of room I have between non moving objects when driving in reverse. Most recently (about 6 months ago) I hit my Grandparents mail box. This mailbox is positioned to where it would be almost impossible to hit. Somehow I managed. 3rd, it really would make me feel like an old lady driving a mini van around taking my 2 kids to miscellaneous activities
So if anyone has any suggestions on a fuel efficient vehicle that is roomy but not too large and won't make me look like a soccer mom, I am totally up for the advice.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Go Blues!

It's the beginning of my favorite Saint Louis Sport Season: Hockey! Basketball would be my fav but STL doesn't have a basketball team so I kind of lost touch. Anyway, for my birthday my dad bought tickets for me, Marissa, my mom, Tim and himself to go to the game. The home opener usually falls on my birthday as it did this year so I get to celebrate my birthday watching the Blues Game. My husband is a huge Blues fan. If we are having a boy he has already decided that the nursery will be a Blues theme in which my sister in law (a talented decorator and artist) will paint a Blues sign on the wall (she has not agreed to this yet but we still have time to convince her:). Tim went to over 20 Blues games last year. So far he has been to all of the home games. Tonight he is at the 3rd home game of the season. He always says he will stay home and watch the game with me but then one of his friends calls and he looks at me and says the same thing every time "you don't mind if I go, right honey?" Of course I don't but I am jealous because now I am stuck at home watching it by myself. Oh well, he is always in a super good mood those days and helps more with housework. So far the Blues are 4 and 1. Legace is undefeated. Hopefully they will make the playoffs this year.

Go Blues!

My family before a Blues game last year.

Marissa has been to 3 games in her lifetime. 2 last year and one this year. She loves to go and cheer on the Blues with mommy and daddy. She has never made it to the end of the game without falling asleep (they usually last till atleast 10pm). This year she made it the longest and fell asleep with only a few minutes left.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Tomorrow is my 27th birthday. For anyone who may read my blog, that is probably not very old. For me, it is the oldest I have ever been (hahahha). Seriously while I don't consider 27 to be old it does mean that I am coming upon that dreaded number of when I totally lose any hope of being considered youthful. I think the number is 30.
Anyway I am not posting to sob about my old age, really, I'm not. But to say how grateful I am to be where I am at my age. No, not materialistically. I have a great husband. He supports everything I do, even when he knows I am pushing myself over the limits. He has never ending patience for me and Marissa. Sometimes I think God took all the patience in my family and gave them to Tim and left me without! I have a healthy, happy daughter who brings so much joy to many people. I have another child on the way. I have 2 great nieces and a great nephew and a great step niece. My parents are still in great health. Most importantly I have a strong faith in God.
This is more than I could ever ask for on my birthday. So Happy Birthday to Me!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

12 week appointment

I am 12 weeks along in my pregnancy and I had my 2nd appointment today. Timmy is able to go with me now that he can take a break from work. When I was pregnant with Marissa he could not take off at all so he didn't get to go to any appointments. He will probably not go to all of them but I wanted him to come today because they check the baby's heart beat. Well the nurse located the heart beat quickly and everything sounded great. It was exciting because it helps give you a little peace of mind knowing the baby's heart is beating fast and steady.

The first month of this pregnancy I was VERY tired. I felt like sleeping all the time. The 2nd month I was VERY nauseated. This is something I didn't experience with Marissa. I have been feeling sick everyday for a month straight. The last week has been a lot better. Now I am starting to gain more energy and not feel nauseous any more. I am very happy about feeling better because I have a lot going on (The Music Man, work, Marissa, etc) and I don't plan on cutting back with any of it.

After I picked Marissa up from school I told her about my doctor's appointment and about hearing the heart beat. She wanted to know if that meant that I knew if it was a boy or girl. She is just like her mommy and daddy and can't wait to find out the sex. I told her we still had to wait about 2 more months. The week that I could find out is over Thanksgiving so I guess I will have to wait till the 1st week of December.
I am so happy that my family will have another blessing in April. We can't wait to meet baby Kempf.