Monday, August 25, 2008

Musicals at Christ Memorial Church

Every year my church puts on a fall musical. The first one they did in 2005 was Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor dreamcoat. I went to see the show but was not involved in the performance. The show was great (it was nominated for some Arts for Life Awards) so they decided to do it again in 2006 (total of 5 shows in one weekend). That year I was asked to be the Props Director (even though I had no "props" experience). I had alot of fun and decided I would definitely be involved again. In 2007 we did Once Upon a Tree in the early Spring for a Passion Musical. I was Props Director again and also took part in the women's chorus. This probably seems funny to anyone who knows me very well because I don't have a great singing voice. My husband and dad were both disciples. Once Upon a Tree was a wonderful experience. I was able to get to know alot of new people at church and we were able to show the story of Jesus' death and Ressurection on the Cross. The fall of 2007 we performed Narnia. This show was nominated for 5 Arts for Life Awards! Again, I was Director of Props and also in the chorus as a "Crulie". My husband had a part in the end as one of the children once they became adults. Here is a pic of my family before the Sunday Narnia performance:

In the Spring of 2008 our church did Once Upon a Tree again. My whole family was in the production. My husband was Judas and Marissa and I were townspeople. Here is a pic of Marissa in her custume before the play with her friend Rachel.
Here is a pic of Timmy and I:

I love the story and I am sad that last year would be the last time we did Once Upon a Tree. But after 2 years in a row we have to move on in the spring.

This fall our church is doing The Music Man. There are two main differences this time than all of our previous shows: 1) this is a secular play 2)they opened auditions to the public.

I think they opened auditions to the public because just using the members of our church doesn't usually give us enough people for the cast and we end up begging people to join. Also, this is a way to involve people outside of our church and bring more people into our church for the performances.

I am VERY excited this year. Expecially since I made the cast and they didn't take everyone! (maybe they took pity on me or was afraid I wouldn't do the props).

I will post more info on the Music Man as it becomes available or feel free to check out the website for CM Productions:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Florida trip June 27,08-July 4,08

Over the summer Tim, Marissa, Kathy (my aunt), Trever (her grandson) and myself went to Florida. Part of our trip was a Farmers Acheivement club (for top agents in the country). The Farmers part of the trip was in Daytona. Kathy came to help us with Marissa while we went to the company dinners and because we wanted a fun vacation together.
Here is a pic of the view from our hotel room :
Hilton Daytona Ocean Walk

Rissa on the beach.

A favorite pic of Rissa and I on the beach.

On Wednesday we left Daytona and headed over to Venice to visit Grandpa. We went to dinner ar Sharky's that night.

Our family dancing in the rain at Sharky's.

We went to the beach all day Thursday. We went to Siesta Key. I like that beach better than Daytona. The water is very calm and you can sit in it without fighting the waves. It is also clearer so you can see a little of whats swimming around.

Beautiful Siesta Key

We went to Sharky's again Thursday night so we could walk along the pier and dance on the patio.

my family on the pier

Sunset at Venice Beach

We hope to go back to Siesta Key sometime within the year to visit Grandpa and hang out on the beach and eat at Sharky's.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A day at the Garden

I was off work last Wednesday before Marissa's first day of school. I wanted to do something fun with her so I decided to take her to the Missouri Botanical Garden. One of my friends works there so we can get in for free and I also get some adult company while Marissa is playing in the kids area. I love to go to the Garden but I don't get to see alot of it because I end up hanging out in the kids area most of the time. Right now they have sculptures by an artist named Niki De Saint Phalle. I really like her artwork and it will only be there till October so I am trying to see it while it is in St. Louis. My friend that works at the Garden told me that Niki made a lot of the pieces to be used with water but no one had ever hooked it up with water until it came to the Garden.

Here is one of the sculptures with the water feature:

This picture was actually taken at a different trip over the summer.

Marissa and I in front of another sculpture.

Marissa in the Climatron. Marissa is wearing her swimsuit because there is a play area with water in the children's park and when she finished playing she still wanted to wear her swimsuit.

Marissa and mommy.

Lilly Garden

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kempf Family soccer player

Marissa has decided to start playing soccer for her school. Although this is my absolute least favorite sport I am trying to act excited for her. Well not really. I've decided to let Tim deal with this. I figure Tim will enjoy this anyway because him and his sister both played soccer. I'll probably just show for a few games. I must admit she does look cute in her soccer gear. Check it out:

Not only do I have to digest being the mother of a Kindergartner but now I am the mother of a Kindergartner that plays soccer (no, that does not make me a soccer mom). I swear, I will not be caught driving a mini van now. No offense to anyone who drives a mini van but that would be way too much for me: a mini van driving mom of a school age child that plays soccer. How could I possibly hold onto to the little bit of youth that I have left?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Marissa's first day

Last Thursday was Marissa's first day of Kindergarten. Yes, I had to say goodbye to my only baby. The first 3 years of Marissa's life I only worked at night or on the weekends when daddy or Aunt Michelle or any of her Grandparents watched her. When she entered preschool I worked while she was at preschool and also in the evening when my parents watched her. Her 2nd year of preschool I signed her up for extra classes and activities so that I could work about 30 hours a week. My point is, I have been with her alot over the past 5 years. For 3 years I took her to my Grandma's house every Friday for lunch. Last Friday was one of the 1st Fridays I was unable to do this because of school. In the last 5 years we have had trips to Loralie's house, the mall, the bridal shop, gymboree, Starbucks with Grandma, and anything else we could come up with to get out of the house and have a little fun. My mom has watched her every Monday for the last 5 years except for a year when she had to work on Mondays. Today is my mom's first Monday without her. Although she will get some time to herself she is still sad over not having her "fun day" with Marissa.
Well Marissa was not as sad as the rest of us. She could not wait to go to school. Aside from having to wear a uniform she was excited about everything else. We got her to bed early the night before (after a few tears over trying on the uniform:). Thursday she got dressed and was ready to go. She was so excited she even commented that the uniform wasn't so bad! My husband and I both went to drop her off. Here are 2 pics of her outside the back of the school:

She always has to pose and make faces.

Once we got into the classroom and she saw that everyone else really did have to wear the same type uniform she was even more excited (she thought we had made it up to torture her). We put her school supplies in her cubby and found her desk. I made the process take as long as possible. A few other moms had tears in their eyes but I was trying to keep composed. Finally the teacher assistant called the children over to listen to a story and we knew it was time to go. I said goodbye and my husband and I hurried to the car so I could shed my tears in privacy.
Ok, I know I'm being dramatic. But that's ok. It's a moms given right.
When I went to pick Marissa up she was just as excited as when I dropped her off. She loves school! (so far). She said she couldn't wait to go back the next day. While I wanted her to somewhat miss me I am quite relieved to know she is happy while I am at work. I made it through the 1st 2 days and now I just have to adjust to being the mother of a wonderful Kindergartner.
Here is a pic of Marissa washing her hands at the sink before we left. As you can see she is extremely happy to be there:

I'm famous

My friend Gregg has a blog that he keeps up with regularly. He is a very funny guy which you can tell from reading his blog. He has a lot of blog traffic and I recently joked with him that I would like to appear on his blog so that I could be famous. Amazingly enough, someone actually listened to me! I made it to his blog. Truly, I feel privileged. There is a link to his blog on my page. Check it out.
or click on the link below:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

family day before school starts

Tim and I took off work Friday to spend time with Marissa before she started school. We wanted to go to Pickle Creek but because we only had a few hours so we went to Forest Park, The History Museum and then Wilmore Park.

Marissa at the Waterfall at Forest Park

Tim and Marissa at the Waterfall

The Waterfall at Forest Park

Tim and Marissa at Wilmore

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beaches I have been to in the past 3 years

Siesta Key, FL
July 2008

Hollywood, FL
July 2006

Ponte Verda Beach, FL
June 2007

Daytona Beach, Florida
July 2008

Cancun, Mexico
January 2008

I would have to say my favorite beach is Siesta Key, then Hollywood. My favorite water is Cancun. The only reason Cancun is not my favorite beach is because there was no sand to lay on. Only about a 6 foot stretch of sand. This pic shows how close the water was too our resort wall:

But the ocean water was warm and crystal clear.

I love these pics because the beach is my favorite place to go no matter what beach I go to. I hope to be able to go to the beach every year.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Goose Creek Saturday August 2nd

Saturday we went to Goose Creek with our friends Tom and Christine and their family and other friends. Marissa loves to swim in the lake all day. She swam from about 1:00pm till about 9:00pm. Here is a picture of Marissa in the lake.

After swimming everyone decided to sing Karaoke. The kids loved singing Hannah Montana.